How A NLS Scan Works

How A NLS Scan Works

How does the NLS Scan work?

Dr. Hammer says "Diseases are the result of a traumatic event or a psychological conflict generated by different causes emerging from our direct environment (electro-smog, chemicals, weather changes), from food and drugs, from stress, overloads with toxins, accumulation of acidic substances, infections with bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungus; all these factors are triggering anaerobe processes causing regulative disturbances in our bodies up to a collapse of ATP metabolism often followed by cancer or death."

Biostar-NLS is a Bio-resonance device used to measure the energy emitted by the body based on electromagnetic waves. It is also used for researching patterns associated with “abnormal” electromagnetic waves. It is a holistic integrative, non-invasive, quantum based bio-active modality which can be applied for:

1. Energy Mapping and Frequency Measurement

2. Predictive and Advanced Analysis of the energy spectrum

3. Frequency inversion and harmonization using ultra-fine electromagnetic oscillations.

Biostar-NLS captures the resonance of the body.

Bioresonance is an all-encompassing assessment and statistical modality utilizing a patient’s own “ultra-fine electromagnetic oscillation”. The method had its inception in 1977 after development by the German physician Dr. Franz Morell and electronics engineer Mr. Erich Rasche from whose names the name MO-RA originated.

During more than 20 years of research, carried out by well known scientists in Germany and abroad, it was found that each individual possesses a unique spectrum of ultra-fine electromagnetic oscillations which can be electronically sensed, processed and then utilized as a statistical model.
Today, it is known that the chemical processes in the bodies of humans and animals are controlled by the “information” carried by and within these oscillations. Furthermore, organs and cell types possess characteristic oscillation spectrums – which are at the same time unique to each individual. The electromagnetic oscillations referred to in the Biostar-NLS "META-compensation" may be compared to (but are different from and much finer than) the cardiac impulses detected by an electrocardiogram (ECG) or brain “waves” as measured by an electroencephalogram (EEG).

How Biostar-NLS captures the light spectrum of the body

Before Isaac Newton, it was believed that white light was colorless, and that the prism itself produced the color. Newton's experiments demonstrated that all the colors already existed in the light in a heterogeneous fashion, and that "corpuscles" (particles) of light were fanned out because particles with different colors traveled with different speeds through the prism. It was only later understood that color is the visible manifestation of light's wavelength.

Like a dispersive prism the Biostar-NLS scan records and breaks up light up into its constituent spectral colors (the colors of the rainbow). Furthermore, Biostar-NLS can be used to reflect light, or to split light into components with different polarizations (used in META Therapy). In the Biostar NLS, the headphones contain a special component like a prisim, that is use to recive the biofrequencies from the body. Once the signal is recived, the signal is devided up and each frequency is then evaluated for the amount of presence detected.



1. Energy Mapping and Frequency Measurement

Energy levels are a great indicator of your health. Biostar-NLS is an electronic device designed for people to measure the the nonlinear vortex (a.ka. magnetic field) of any biological object, wirelessly and in minutes.

Sensor 1 : Cadistor (pictured on left as the dispersive prism)

The Energy Mapping and Frequency Measurements are obtained from the headphones (within is a sensor called a cadistor) which measures information from the biofeild around any biological object.


Sensor 2: Trigger Sensor with Frequency Generator

A Trigger sensor is a device that registers information background noise from biological objects. A Trigger sensor is also contains a broadband frequency generator (i.e an Oscillator diode) which is used by Meta Therapy. The Frequency generator, during the scan adjusts to resonance frequency of biological object, which allows the Biostar-NLS to get frequency-resonance characteristics in an analogue from a researched object in standard range of frequencies. The Received signals are sent to oscillator and digitally recorded in the computer for further frequency spectral analysis. The information is designed to be displayed, stored and read by the software application.


The Results are easy to Read with our Training

Biostar NLS easily lists the results from Acute to Chronic conditions of the body, Energy Analysis is done is less than 5 minutes.