Human Bio-Field

Human Bio-Field

Science of the Human Bio-Field

Repeatability and Accuracy

Conventional science, especially medical science, does not accept techniques and processes that are not repeatable, which is a problem for most bioenergetic devices. What conventional science is not able to grasp is that these devices may be working on a quantum level, so the entire framework of how to evaluate them must be different. The human bio-field is dynamic, so it is ever-changing. Yet patterns can be detected over time. What is undeniable is that these devices have been used by thousands of clients to good effect, especially if there is a time lapse of a few days between tests.

Each time a scan is run, the computer is interfacing with the client's formational (or energetic) biofield (see videos below). The test itself subtly alters that field, or, if you like, you could say that the test information is actually imprinting in a certain way on that person's biofield. Therefore, if another scan is conducted too soon after the first, the information interference from the first test may alter what will be picked up in the person's biofield during the second test. That's why it is best to wait a few days for the biofield to "quiet down" or for that information interference to dissipate before running another bioenergetic test.



The above video is a live image of the single cell and its biofield. The center is the physical part, whereas the bio-field looks like a cloud of dynamic energy. The human body is composed of 4 Trillion of these cells and each cell contains different elements with their own electrical frequency.

The above video is how the Biostar-NLS scan received and input signal can be decoded to break up the information by color and by quantity. Them below Biostar-NLS displays a person's Bio-Field and where the colors lack - determine the characteristics of the field in in accordance to location (providing us with Chakras and Aura information).

The human bio-field is a complex, structured network of fields that interpenetrates the physical body and underlies all physiology. Based on over 30 years of research and detailed mapping by the Biostar-NLS, our theory of the human bio-field can most simply be explained as an exploration of the energetic and informational structure of the body that underlies its biochemistry.

At its core, Biostar-NLS operates on the understanding that information is as important as energy in the universe, which is being demonstrated by much of the latest science. Additionally, we have found information just as important in the human body, and we have used our theory of the human body-field to create effective and proven health-preserving tools over the past ten years.


Therefore, a primary measurement we use for wellbeing is how efficiently each system and sub-system of the body is using energy. Because we have been able to directly measure optimal energy efficiency in each part of the body, our technology can easily detect areas of concern.

In these ways the human body-field can be likened to the body's master operating system-the software that runs our hardware.

Together, Biostar-NLS, the Tone-VOX, Biostar Nutriceuticals (all part of our Biostar-NLS System) are designed to read, interact with and correct the information and energy in the body so that it can return to optimal health.

Why Information & Energy Are the Key to Health

If we were to quote the most well-known equation in all of science it would be Einstein's E=MC^2. And in this equation we see that matter equates to-and is essentially made up of-energy. Yet if you were to ask how that energy gets formed into all the different kinds of matter in the universe, you would note that matter is, in essence, organized energy. Information is the organizing principle.

Hence when looking at biology and medicine, we cannot just look at the biochemical nature of the body. We must also look at the energy and information of the body. Because, at this level of biophysics, the source of health in the body (as well as its deterioration) is clearly evident: properly organized information and energy within the body equates to overall wellbeing and an "optimal blueprint" for homeostasis and health. When either the information or energy within the body becomes distorted, health deteriorates.

One way to consider this is to look at the body's natural efficiency. Nature has developed very efficient techniques that allow the body to perform its numerous life processes with very little energy consumption. When health becomes compromised (including physical, emotional, and psychological health), one of the basic common characteristics in all cases is that energy usage becomes less efficient within the body, i.e. energy is wasted.